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Running is universal. The French do it by the Côte d'Azur, pacing along the promenade. Brazilians endure the searing sun rising above the Cristo Redentor, just to feel their feet swish against the asphalt in Copacabana avenue.

Londoners power through the mist, the odd days it's not raining.


And while all runners share that passion, communicating with all of them may not be as straightforward as it may appear.


At Language Athletics, we speak the languages of runners all over the globe and will help you translate your language into theirs.


Our running division is knowledgeable in marathon terminology, running gear technology and marketing specific to the industry. As linguists who run, we make an effort to keep abreast of running physiology special terms, injury-related concepts and special running techniques.


Let us translate your brand. Make it universal – as running.

Type of content we translate
  • Running shoes' websites

  • Gear marketing materials

  • Training tutorials

  • Marathon brochures

  • Related medical content

  • Techniques and tips websites 

Do you need to translate content related to other sports?

We are constantly learning about all things sports and love other disciplines including, judo and martial arts, football, cycling and climbing. Feel free to inquire about others by writing to or via the Contact form.


Would you like to know how much will it cost you to translate a specific amount of content into different languages? 

Send us a message using this form and we'll get back to you a pinch!


Don't care for forms? Feel free to write directly to

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Email *



You'll never walk alone. We got your message and will reply shortly.

© 2023 by Language Athletics.

Zeballos 2040, Rosario, SF 2000, Argentina

San Martín 941, Piso, Oficina 3 (Paseo del Solar), SMA, Argentina

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