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Climbing specialists and amateurs alike would agree it is not advisable to go up the mountain alone. A trustworthy companion is a must for a safe and successful experience.

And whether you are planning a short trek or a steep and demanding climb, it is essential to equip yourself with the adequate technical gear for a surefire ascent.
Likewise, when you and your outdoor brand are planning to launch a tech product or a specialized service to the international outdoor market, you need a translation solution with the right tone and matching quality, to grab the attention of those novices and pros that will love what you offer. Because they share the same adventurous spirit your company was inspired by.


Well, we share that spirit too. 

Language Athletics is the partner that will throw you the language rope you need and clasp the carabiner for you to reach the international summit. Language Athletics is the mountaineering peer to trust in this challenging endeavor: globalizing with high-quality translations.

Type of content we translate
  • Courses and training materials

  • Tournament briefs

  • Tutorial videos

  • Newsletters

  • Bibliography

  • Outdoor gear content 

Do you need to translate content related to other sports?

We are constantly learning about all things sports and love other disciplines including, judo and martial arts, running & athletics, cycling and football. Feel free to inquire about others by writing to or via the Contact form.


Would you like to know how much will it cost you to translate a specific amount of content into different languages? 

Send us a message using this form and we'll get back to you a pinch!


Don't care for forms? Feel free to write directly to

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Email *



You'll never walk alone. We got your message and will reply shortly.

© 2023 by Language Athletics.

Zeballos 2040, Rosario, SF 2000, Argentina

San Martín 941, Piso, Oficina 3 (Paseo del Solar), SMA, Argentina

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